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Monday, 28 January 2013

Utilizing Your Keyboard To Win Space Battles

By Angie B. Berge

Lots of the most popular PC based space games entertain their players with incredibly complex and challenging space battles which force you to think creatively while fighting your enemies. There are vehicles, weapons, armor, and similar special items that you will need to use effectively in order to ward off even the most challenging enemies. There could be moments when you wish that your favorite game was a little bit easier, but the truth is that having a hard game just makes you feel better when you finally beat the enemy. The majority ofgamers pay close attention to in-game elements of their battles, but you should also give attention to how your keyboard and mouse affect game play.

PC games that include space battles usually require that you utilize a number of items and weapons in unison when facing the most challenging of enemies. Your character's abilities are probably controlled by mouse movements, mouse clicks, and lots of different keyboard commands; these relate to item inventories, character movement, and the use of special abilities. The trick to really making your character able to act fast and execute chain commands rapidly is using a keyboard and mouse that have been specifically crafted with the needs of gamers in mind.

Space battles are not as hard to win when you have the option to program specific keys on your gaming keyboard. Putting essential keys closer together and eliminating needless gaps between necessary buttons is part of gaming keyboard design. An example could be a gaming keyboard that includes some spare buttons near the arrow keys so that, as you are directing your character, you can quickly reach for a button that activates a specific ability.

If you have believed in the past that your computer's mouse is doing little more than steering your character in the right direction during battles, think again. Gaming mice add buttons in convenient locations that you can reach without having to move your hand, such as around where your thumb normally rests. It is very simple to continue moving the mouse itself and even clicking on the top buttons while also using your thumb to access the programmable buttons that are near it.

Many games also enable you to setup macro commands, which are long strings of chain actions, and lock them to one of your keyboard or mouse's programmable keys. Space battles are more fun and interesting when you have the ability to quickly access your abilities and items with gaming accessories.

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