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Sunday 14 October 2012

Capcom Went Crazy?

By Almog Moreg

The resident evil series is a huge horror based series, but in the last addition of resident evil, six Capcom decided to go for a first-person shooter type of game was that the right choice? Let's Find Out.

When a company changes the genere of the game and in this case such a drastic change, the are many risks, and it usually doesn't worth taking them.

The game is to slow these are the kind of complaints you can expect from the hardcore first person shooters players who will test Resident Evil 6 but for the hardcore horror gamers this will just be to fast.

Capcom went a little overboard with the cut scenes filling theme with endless actions for the player and making the game feeling much more annoying then fun.

There are also to many movie scenes inside the game ruining the game feeling and instead giving you a theater feel as you spend most your time watching instead of actually playing.

Unfortunately when moving from horror based game to an action based game the controls are a big issue no one wants to aim and shoot with nonfunctional controls even more when there are so many great other shooting games out there. This particular move Capcom failed to do and what we got left with is a clunky third person shooter.

Can you enjoy the game? I wouldn't say enjoy but if you really want to see where the story is going, then spending a few hours finishing this game shouldn't be too much of a task.

The hardcore horror gamers should focus on Leon's campaign because that is the closest to the old playing style as they can get.

There are some positive points for resident evil 6 as well, for example, the new moves of head stabbing and mashing infected heads to walls and buses.

As I mentioned before if you enjoy the zombie killing you can enjoy it even more thanks for the "Mercenaries" mode that is coming back with resident evil 6 until the clock strikes zero you can kill those infected to all your heart content.

The game mechanics are pretty much out of place as the game moved to a third-person shooter style the mechanics stayed the same. It means that if you fall down you got a lot of time until you get up waiting for the animation to finish a thing that works well when your building tension and fear in the player but not when you're trying to give him the feeling of a faced pace action game.

4 out of 10 is one of the many scores the game got on the various gaming forums.

Many old fan series say that the game is now ruined as they loved the way it was and there was no reason changing it, the new gamers aren't really happy spending the money for what they consider an half broken game. The thing that will be the most interesting is to see what will be Capcom next move will be another third person shooter try or will it be back to the origins I guess we will find out on resident evil 7.

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