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Sunday 9 June 2013

Space Battles In Modern Online Games

By Ryleigh U. Stiedemann

The challenging foes and creative worlds created by science fiction game makers allow space battles to be very difficult yet fun for players. Problem solving, creative thinking, and puzzle solving are all essential parts of popular science fiction games so there is no shortage of challenges for players. The toughest battles in sci-fi games tend to appear at the end of long and complex missions; not every enemy will present a massive challenge to your character. The most thrilling battles appear in MMORPG's, or massively multiplayer online role playing games, which require you to form teams in order to confront powerful enemies.

There are lots of clear differences between one on one space battles and team based battles that require each player to work to support their group. All you have to do when fighting an enemy on your own is use your character's attacks and items properly. Certain games will sometimes add a computer controlled character to your party, but in most cases these are very limited battles and the other character has limited abilities.

If you were to apply the same approach you take in single player games to the space battles found in MMORPG's, however, you would certainly get frustrated quickly. There are battles so difficult in MMORPG's that groups of 5, 10, or even 40 have to be formed in order to take them down without absolute failure. Since every member of the group has their own abilities that give them unique advantages, the goal of a group battle is for each player to maximize their abilities for the overall benefit of the group.

In order to ensure communication between members of your group, your game should include a basic chat system that can be accessed quickly and easily while playing. You can also expect to have a clear visual guide that displays the status of each of your teammates during battle so that you can quickly determine if they need assistance if your strategy needs to be changed for the good of the group.

You will be an excellent ally for other players during space battles if you develop every one of your character's abilities and know how to use them well. Keeping tabs on other party members and communicating through the game's chat system will keep your team strong and united during battles.

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