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Tuesday 10 January 2012

5 Reasons Why Cooking Games Are Still Popular

By Lucia Baker

Drinking games are any kind of competitions involving a group of people drinking some form of liquid according to a series of set rules. Though most of these games are played using alcoholic drinks, other beverages like juices, coffee or soda can be used. These games are mostly used for fun and getting everybody involved in some form of activity or interaction.

Let's take a look at which types of games would be enjoyable for those smaller children, which are both simple and fun. Especially in a birthday party type of setting, games like catch the balloons and tag would be the easiest to play. However, more adventurous activities like duck, duck, goose and red light, green light would get those tykes out and active.

As the little kids begin to grow up, the games could increase in difficulty and plenty of fun would still be had by all those involved. A variation on the game tag, called war, is something that a lot of pre-teen folks would enjoy playing at a festive event. Also, if a proper ball is available, games like dodge ball would give them all something to do to get the juices flowing.

All over the world, people come up with their own drinking games but some of them have gained some form of global appeal. Beer pong is perhaps one of the classic games used all over the world. This is one game that is loved by both young and old from college students having some fun at a party to older people at football games. For those who love beer at the local bar, you are almost guaranteed to come across this game.

A pretty safe assumption for most events is that there will be a good mixture of children of all different ages, from toddlers to teenagers. Planning which types of games can be played with everybody together will obviously be the most challenging of any other scenario. In these types of situations, activities like the egg toss, basketball, football, dodge ball and even foot races would be entertaining.

Games That Involve Cooking Are Actually Training Grounds Not to overrate the niche of the game but play cooking games actually has a few benefits, among them is to train the player on a few basic skills like color coordination, sense of timing, hand and mental coordination and many others. Yes, arcade food and recipe games often require only the use of mouse, it is an easy endeavor but it doesn't mean that one can actually play and finish it without thinking. These games in fact pose quite a challenge for boys and girls at 5 to 10 years of age, the very age bracket that these programs are created for.

Also remember that where the party is taking place could easily determine what restrictions or extra options people have for everybody's enjoyment. When it is all said and done, if all the children who leave the party do so with smiles on their faces, consider it a job well done.

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