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Monday 9 January 2012

Selling and Buying Gold in World of Warcraft WoW

By David Ou

Cataclysm, being Blizzard's fourth expansion to the world of warcraft brings in a whole new set of exciting features and unique content. With this content, comes more places and strategies to farm gold. Now whether you sell wow gold, need to buy Wow gold, or just want to farm some gold of warcraft gold in cataclysm you need to find the right spots to farm.

Farming gold in cataclysm will be the same as farming gold in any other circumstance. There will be instances solo-able by death knights, places to AOE farm, places for the skinners, and more unlocked places for professions to make a killing. Understanding your role as a farmer and capitalizing will be key to jump on opportunities in cataclysm.

With prices as low as 1,000 gold for 1$, it really makes farming look like a waste of resources. Would you buy a few hours of your life back for 1$? Then save yourselves hours of farming and buy a few gold today from the best of the market, EpicToon. There are a lot of ways to make gold in the World of World of warcraft. The Massive Wow gold Blueprint takes all of the above and adds a huge amount of info and detail.

I have done a lot of looking and although you may see some small sites offering great prices there is usually some fine print as well as the risk of getting cheated. One of the best sites around is right here, Buy and Sell WoW Gold. They have been around for a while and also have great prices for buying and give a real fair price when you are selling.

Certain fish market quite well since they're used in interesting recipies or with certain crafting skills. For example, Firefin Snapper, Oily Backmouth, and Deviate Fish all offer very well. Don't forget to fish the wreckage pools that you'll find from time to time.

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