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Friday 13 January 2012

Strike Gold Cap In World of Warcraft WoW

By Evie Anene

For those who have played Wow within the last couple years then by now you must have heard of the WoW gold cap. Several players thought this was no longer then a myth but the number is real, 214,748 to become exactbasically after reaching this number players stop gaining precious metal due the numerical formulas used by Blizzard to calculate precious metal values.

Remember you will be spending your real har earned cash so be sure to get what ever amount you need to get the best price. Really though, if you can hit the precious metal cap you will never have to spend a dime on gold again. Also mentioned above selling gold can make you some nice real life coin.

Once you have your gold getting system in place and can get large amounts at will you can sell it for a profit, go back and make more gold. It's a beautiful cycle that can help you supplement your income while doing something a person love, playing WoW. Be sure to go someplace that will give you a fair price but also pay you quickly. The gold companies are hot and you want to make as much as you can, while you can.

By the way,the low level ores (eg: copper & tin) sell a whole lot better than the low level herbs. In my experience, anyway. Skins always seem to sell well. Now, go as well as gather (and install) the Gatherer addon. This makes notes on your game map everytime you find ores or herbs. Eventually you'll have your own personal mining map. Anytime you need cash you just do the rounds, grab a few stacks of ore or herbs, and sell all of them.

Selling is easy, you just hit the sell link. Fill out a short form with the game you want to sell from, how much you have and your server. They will e-mail you with a quote and then it's all down hill.

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